View Full Version : [BitMe.org] Review 2010

23-12-2011, 06:03 PM
BitMe.ORG !!!
because knowledge must be free

Max Users: 30000
Registered Users: 19,619

Registration: Invite

BitMe is an e-learning only tracker.This site is amazing if you are interested in Audio Learning, Art, College Lectures, Documentaries, e-Books, Languages, Magic, Medical, Stock Photography and many other terms most of which I don't understand like 3D Buzz and AppDev. My personal favorite is that they have alot of martial arts and health training videos and e-books. At first your ratio is hard to keep up because they have a delay system for lower ratio users, the solution is uploading your self which you don't have to be authorised to do it just has to be something they accept. In terms of speed it is not the best but because the files are worth waiting for it doesn't really matter.


Pretty cool look and a very simple banner .Also your username and stats are displayed below the banner.You can access such things as as Home, Browse, Forums, Requests , WebChat, TOP10, Rules, FAQ.


Next they have a few cataories to chose from like: Audio Learning, Art, College Lectures, Documentaries, e-Books, Languages, Magic, Medical, Stock Photography and many other.

Top Seeded


Top Recent

Once you pick your category the torrents will be displayed 15 to a page.You will see how long the torrent has been alive, the number of seeds, and how many times was snatched.


User Classes

You start off as user. Power Users comes next after 50gb upload and ratio above 1.05.Note that you will be automatically demoted from this status if your ratio drops below 0.95 at any time. I like that you can become a VIP when you have been a member for at least 90 days, have uploaded at least 70GB and have a ratio of at least 3.0.


The rules are pretty simple. If you dont follow them you will be banned. Most are common rules of no hit and runs, no trading invites, Listen to staff, ect. When uploading though they are pretty strict with your desciptions and screen caps so you need to read up on that before you upload anything.


The forum is not huge but as some good activity. There are different sections for the different user classes to chat in.The help section is a good place to visit if you cant figure something out.

Recent News

It seems that uTorrent 2.0 is not accepted at BitMe at this time.

Other Info
- irc.bitme.org #bitme
- considered the best e-learning tracker
- anyone can upload torrents
- Only Power Users and up, are qualified to receive invites
- accounts inactive for more than 42 days are automatically disabled

My rating

Design 7/10
Content 10/10
speed 7.5/10
rarity 9/10