View Full Version : Brown Eyed Girls - Sound G - Vol 3 (2009) [FLAC] (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)

23-06-2012, 01:11 AM
Brown Eyed Girls - Sound G - Vol 3 (2009) [FLAC] (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)


Uploaded by nyonya (http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/userdetails.php?id=543637)


On July 20, 2009, Brown Eyed Girls released their third full-length album, the double-disc Sound G. Even though "Candy Man" was the first song unveiled from the album, the first heavily promoted single was "Abracadabra", which was composed by Ji-nu and Min-Soo Lee. He composed the first part of "Abracadabra", and tried to compose the refrain part. However, he could not think of a good idea to make the refrain part. Therefore, Min-Soo Lee, who worked with BEG previously, helped and composed the refrain part of "Abracadabra".


01. Glam Girl
02. Abracadabra
03. 중독
04. Candy Man
05. Moody Night
06. 이상한 일
07. 못 가
08. 여자가 있어도
09. 잘할게요
10. Abracadabra [Instrumental]
11. Candy Man [Instrumental]
12. 잘할게요 [Instrumental]

01. DJ Cloud Translates L.O.V.E - (Cloud Remix)
02. Haihm Translates SECOND - (Haihm Rebuild)
03. East4a Translates YOU - (East4a Soulsome Mix)
04. Hitchhiker Translates 어쩌다 - (Hitchhiker(Jinu) Dynamic Mix)
05. Saintbinary Translates HOLD THE LINE - (Saintbinary Sweet Purple Remix)
06. Junjaman Translates MY STYLE - (Junjaman Wet Dream Remix)
07. Fraktal Translates OASIS - (Fraktal Desert Is Land Mix)

DOWNLOAD HERE (http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/details.php?id=3754&hit=1#.T-SyKxedCVo)