View Full Version : The Bells - Du Lịch Cùng Tôi (Vol.04) (2006) [FLAC] {HQM} (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)

06-01-2013, 12:31 AM
The Bells - Du Lịch Cùng Tôi (Vol.04) (2006) [FLAC] {HQM} (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)

http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/imagescover/5955.jpg (http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/imagescover/5955.jpg)

Uploaded by thamtu5011 (http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/userdetails.php?id=222)


Artist...............: The Bells
Album................: Du Lich Cung Toi (Vol 4)
Genre................: Pop
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2006
Ripper...............: Exact Audio Copy (Secure mode) & LG Electronics - DVDRAM GT32N
Codec................: Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Version..............: reference libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917
Quality..............: Lossless, (avg. compression: 60 %)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 HZ / 16 Bit
Tags.................: VorbisComment
Information..........: HQM

Ripped by............: thamtu5011 on 8/5/2012
Posted by............: thamtu5011 on 1/4/2013
News Server..........: hqmusic.vn
News Group(s)........: tracker.hqmusic.vn

Included.............: NFO, MD5, M3U, LOG, CUE


01. The Bells - Du Lịch Cùng Tôi
02. The Bells - Sông Trăng
03. The Bells - Vì Đời Còn Tình Yêu
04. The Bells - Tình Yêu Âm Nhạc
05. The Bells - Phố Xa
06. The Bells - Đành Nói Lời Chia Tay
07. The Bells - Love Music

DOWNLOAD HERE (http://tracker.hqmusic.vn/details.php?id=5955&hit=1#.UOheErY2YXw)