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Various Artists - Tình Khúc Lam Phương • Top Hits 46 • Cho Em Quên Tuổi Ngọc (2011) [FLAC] {HQM} (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)
Hồ Việt Trung, Hồ Quang Hiếu - Em Là Của Anh (EP) (2015) [FLAC]
Tracy Huang - Somewhere In Time (2004) [FLAC] {HQMI} (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)
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Claudio Abbado, Chicago Symphony Orchestra - Hector Berlioz :Symphonie Fantastique (1984) [FLAC] {HQMI} (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)
VA - Love songs nineties (2023) [FLAC] (cover/tracks)
VA - Love songs eighties (2023) [FLAC] (cover/tracks)
VA - Love songs seventies (2023) [FLAC] (cover/tracks)
Llŷr Williams - Beethoven Unbound (2018) [Hi-Res FLAC] (cover/tracks)
VA - Let's Do Rock Steady (The Soul Of Jamaica) (2024) [FLAC] (cover/tracks)
Led Zeppelin - Discography (1969 - 2018) [FLAC] (LogScore-100/cue/cover/tracks)