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  1. #1
    Super Moderator
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    Nov 2011
    Hochiminh City

    [] HQMusic - Place For Music Lovers

    Today I will review about the new lossless tracker from Viet Nam:

    Tracker's URL:
    Signup URL:
    Type: Music Tracker (Lossless, Lossy and Music Videos)
    1/ HQMusic is the first Lossless Tracker from Viet Nam. It was founded by C2D on 22/04/2011.
    2/ They have many albums and hd-clips, from the old to the newest. They always focus on the quality of album, so better release will replace the worse one.
    3/ Because they are still young so the speed not as good as another tracker but it can be accepted with lossless like 100KB/s.
    4/ They have a strong Uploader Team: sepearated to 2 group. Group 1: will upload the new Albums to tracker (if you want to find any new album you can request and they will upload it as soon as possible). Group 2: will keep seeding the torrents on tracker.
    5/ Beside that they have 3 internal teams: HQM, MRHQ and OwL. Their release are always in the best quality.
    + HQM: from this time they often release Vietnamese Albums.
    + MRHQ: they rip music from the image CD.
    + OwL: encode HD Music Videos and Live Performances.
    Login panel:
    Tracker's Home:
    Latest Upload and CS Server for relax LOL:


    Members Online:

    Torrent Categories:

    Browse Page with sticky torrents and have most seeder:



    Best Logscore torrents:

    Search Box:

    If you want to become a VIP, you can donate for Tracker:

    Invite Systems: on this time, if you want to have invites, you can transfer from Bonus Point. If you don't have account, you can contact to the staff and they will invite you. The power user also send you invite if you know somebody.


    1. speed release: 9/10
    2. speed upload internal HQMusic: 8/10
    3. content: 9/10
    Last edited by zjng0x; 27-07-2012 at 09:33 AM.



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